FUNdamentals puts the FUN back in learning for all age groups !

FUNdamentals is an intensive systematic phonics learn to read program
that will also improve comprehension, spelling and penmanship. It is well-suited
for absolutely every age group and it is an effective remedy for any reading problem.
Formulated for use with learners from preschool through adult ages, FUNdamentals
is the key to learning to read the English language. Parents can use it to teach
young children the skill of reading before they enter school. It is a useful home
tutorial to quickly and properly teach reading to any grade level K-12. College
students and adults with poor reading skills can utilize this product in the privacy
of their homes and achieve quick solutions to reading difficulties.
It is FUN .. it is FAST .. it is GUARANTEED .. and it WORKS !
FUNdamentals was developed for home schooling and personal tutoring
by renowned educator Jeanie Eller, M.A. It is based on the widely acclaimed classroom
program called ACTION READING that first proved any normal student can learn to
read in 1 school year or less.
FUNdamentals Really Works!
We guarantee that, after completing the program,
your student will be a fluent and independent reader.
Jeanie Eller
| FUNdamentals, the "Complete Language Arts Program" that teaches:
- Phonics
- Comprehension
- Writing
- Spelling
- Vocabulary
- Handwriting
Content Analysis and Listening Skills
presented in a systematic, logical, intensive phonics environment
that enables the student to read real literature.
So Easy to Use !
Jeanie Eller is featured on an Instructional Video that guides
you through the process of learning to read. Audio lessons further guide the student
through the simple, logical, step-by-step learn to read program.
Students over 8 years old can use this program without any assistance. However,
FUNdamentals use in a home environment helps to develop quality family relationships
and we encourage continued parental participation.
Older students and adults may think the first lessons seem childish. They will quickly
realize the importance of starting to learn at the beginning to fill in the missing
gaps in their knowledge of the skill of reading.
- Even more FUN with more than ONE !
This program also works great for teaching more than one student. The FUN is shared
as multiple learners grow with self esteem.
The FUNdamentals Course:
Students begin by learning how our alphabetic system of reading and writing was
invented. They learn the sound symbol relationships of English and how these sounds
are used to make words.
Learn to Read while having Fun with... FUNdamentals!
They progress on to sentences and finally to stories (always reading
for meaning and comprehension). All learning modalities are used so that whether
the students are visual learners or auditory learners they won't miss out. The student
is enthusiastically encouraged to use all the senses by singing, exercising and
doing other activities that reinforce the learning process. All drill practice is
done with stimulating games.
Remember...the more senses you use, the faster you learn!

- Economical!
This is the only program you'll need to learn to read.
- Auditory Skills!
Learn sounds that go together to make words.
- Visual Skills!
Learn symbols that we write to represent words.
- Kinesthetic Skills!
Learn all 70 phonograms through art, music, games, dance, whole body activities,
action and competition.
- Picture Cues!
Used only to introduce sounds.
- No Sight Words!
English is 97.4% phonetic!
- Comprehension!
Teaches to read for meaning
from the very first word.
FUNdamentals Really Works!
Action Reading follows the seven steps supported by the $20 million in research
from The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
- First, directly teach phonemic awareness.
- Teach each sound-spelling correspondence explicitly.
- Teach frequent, highly regular sound-spelling relationships systematically.
- Teach students directly how to sound out words.
- Teach students sound spelling, decodable text.
- Teach reading comprehension using interesting teacher read stories.
- Teach decoding and comprehension skills separately
until reading becomes fluent.
Index | About our Company | Order Form
Action Reading
PO Box 9266
Chandler Heights AZ 85127